We at Prime Dental Group expanded our skill and training to change the face of dentistry and not be limited on teeth and mouth only to enhance smiles but to harmonise it with your facial lines and muscles. We provide cosmetic injectable services and facial therapies to our patients with full knowledge in facial structure and beauty standards to deliver a complete smile facial makeover. We do educate our patients how to take care of their new look and maintain the look they always wanted.

Cosmetic Injectables
We are AADFA (Australian Academy of Dento- Facial Aesthetics) certified provider for cosmetic injectables and facial therapies.
Even if you have a perfect smile but few wrinkles come and see us for a younger looking face.
The cosmetic injectables are very reliable and predictable treatment with minimum side effects. In addition to the cosmetic part of this service we often use this service for management of bruxism/teeth grinding and gummy smiles with outstanding results.
For a consultation or book appointment please contact us on 0394409430.