Prime Dental Group offers children dentistry for better oral health for all kids . As parents, we all know that oral hygiene is important. Prime Dental Group know our children should brush their teeth twice a day, floss regularly, eat as little sugar as possible, and drink water rather than fizzy drinks or juices, and we also know that they should see a dentist regularly. Dental care is very essential aspect of early age prevention of any decay in children teeth. It is important to keep children educated about their oral health. It is also important that children become used to see dentist regularly and build up this habit for their adulthood.

Children Dentistry
We provide Medicare Bulk Bill services with no gap fees for eligible children.
Our Dental Staff here at Prime Dental Group are very friendly with kids and they love to see smile on their faces.
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Why Choose Prime Dental
We do provide all dental services for children such as general dental care and also preventive early stages of orthodontics.We also provide sport mouthguard services.
For the real experience book an appointment and see the change, Smile with us:)
You can start preventing oral disease and promoting good oral health for baby as soon as he or she is born! Most people assume that there is nothing we can do about our new-born’s teeth until they’ve erupted, but this is not true.

Some Advices
Prevent Oral Disease
During the last three months of pregnancy, the 20 primary baby teeth have almost completely formed in the jawbone. And at birth, there can be as many as 12 permanent, adult teeth already developing! Dr. Flora and our team are committed to helping our patients enjoy outstanding oral health throughout their entire lives, from infancy to adulthood.

Contact us today to find out more about dental care for infants or schedule a consultation with Dr. Flora.